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Sonyks Software

The most advanced guided wave testing acquisition and analysis software

Sonyks Software is the first advanced guided wave inspection data acquisition and analysis software designed to work on the touchscreen of a guided wave testing instrument. The software boasts an intuitive workflow so that technicians can easily acquire the best data in one collection, leveraging unique advanced analysis tools to achieve the highest level of inspection confidence.


  • All data ever needed is acquired in one go
  • Reliable results with no need to repeat inspection
  • Easily scan through all frequencies using the onscreen slider
  • Instantaneous C-scan and secondary focusing
  • Pan and zoom to any area of interest
  • Software purpose-built for touchscreen interactivity


Collect all inspection data at once. One and done.

Using a combination of broadband data collection and Full Matrix Capture (FMC), the Sonyks software acquires all the data you could possibly need in one go.

This gives the onsite operator the option to continue with the interpretation locally, opt for a more convenient place, or even perform analysis later with the safe knowledge that no information is missed, even focusing.

Sonyks Instrument

Reliable results that are consistent. No need to repeat.

The Sonyks software is unique because it can be used to test and analyze data with both Magnetostrictive and Piezoelectric transducers providing both Long Range Ultrasonic Testing (LRUT) and Medium Range Ultrasonic Testing (MRUT) capabilities.

The test function within the software assesses the resistance of the Magneto-tools and capacitance for the piezo-tools ensuring that the equipment is working optimally. Also, the Sonyks onboard pump is activated and monitored using the software to ensure that the collars are always at the optimum pressure during data collection.

The Sonyks software is packed with automated and advanced algorithms that reduce operator-specific dependence. Automatic weld detection and setting of DACs ensures consistency of interpretation between inspectors.

Project-based GUI for highly efficient interpretation and reporting.

The user friendly GUI is designed for use on the Sonyks 26.4cm (10.4in) touchscreen display, producing an integrated package for highly efficient interpretation of the inspection data.

The software features an intuitive project-based workflow that allows for much easier management of multi-location inspections as well as reporting.

Analysis of data is extremely straightforward on the Sonyks instrument using the frequency slider to find the optimum frequency for signal-to-noise and reporting. As the operator scans the frequencies, the C-scan display follows. Convenient pan and zoom features allow for quick analysis in areas of interest.

Sonyks Instrument - touch screen

Beyond Current and up to international guided wave standards.

Sonyks software works in accordance with all major global international standards and published government regulations such as:

  • ISO 18211
  • Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations 49 CFR § 192.921 Appendix F (PHMSA Guidelines)

SonyksGO embedded software and SonyksPRO for desktop and laptop computers

As with all our software platforms, the Sonyks software is constantly evolving. SonyksGO and SonyksPRO have identical functionality but are designed for operation via touchscreen and desktop/laptops, respectively.

The SonyksPRO targets office-based data review and reporting but can also interface with the Sonyks instrument via ethernet and, in the future, Wi-Fi if this is the preferred option for inspection.

Discover the true power of Sonyks software embedded on the industry-leading instrument here and get in touch with our guided wave inspection experts to discuss your next inspection campaign.

Sonyks GO and PRO